Want to submit products for review?

Verity Rear Vision Systems, a division of Component Solution Services, is always looking for innovation in new products.
Any information submitted will only be seen
by our R&D department and not shared.
Before submitting a product, look around our site. We do not post some of our latest technologies for obvious reasons. We sell ONLY to OEMs and large fleets.
All products submitted properly will be reviewed by one of our engineers. DO NOT SEND product information to everyone in our company. If you do so, you will be banned from submitting a new product (even if they are good ones).
You need to respect our valuable and costly engineering time.
Submitting the same product over and over again means you don't respect our time.
We respect your time and will review all submissions.
Do not submit any product that is not related to truck safety. For example phone holders, air fresheners, fans, lights, and so on.
Please submit all products for review to tech@verityrvs.com (and only tech@verityrvs.com)
All submissions directly to staff members who are not engineers will be deleted and added to our block email list.
When submitting items please supply these facts:
Are you the manufacturer of the suggested products?
Your company's credentials, for example, is your company ISO certified? What testing do you do? Patents?
Is the product you are submitting in production or a prototype?
Supply a link to your company's information.
Supply any manuals and specifications that will be helpful in reviewing your products.
The more these guidelines are followed the quicker your product will get reviewed.
Submit all products for review to tech@verityrvs.com
Thank You!